Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking

Many smokers are aware of the long term health risks and financial burden of smoking but struggle to stop without help.

Independent research has demonstrated the effectiveness of hypnosis in helping individuals become non-smokers. A study published in the New Scientist magazine conducted by the University of Iowa concluded that hypnosis is 3 times more effective than nicotine replacement and 15 times more successful than will-power. The research examined 600 studies involving 72,000 people and identified that unlike other treatments, hypnosis deals with the underlying reasons why people smoke and deals with these issues hence its success.

Instead of replacing and slowly reducing the amount of addictive chemicals in your system, I will use hypnotherapy to break the negative behaviours and thought patterns associated with smoking–such as smoking to relieve stress. 

During the extended hypnotherapy session we will also target the unconscious motivations for smoking. These may include the need to reduce boredom, stress, loneliness, or the desire to be accepted by others. We can also target some of the unconscious smoking triggers you may have, such as driving, pouring a drink, or finishing a meal, and help break these associations.

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