Heartbreak, Betrayal and Loss

Why do breakups hurt so much?

We feel heart broken when we lose someone or something we loved or wanted very much, like a romantic relationship or a friendship, a family member, a pet, or a job or opportunity that was very important to us.

If you’ve ever been through a breakup or been betrayed, you’ll be familiar with the pain that often accompanies it. The dull, constant ache in your chest, the emptiness and sense of hopelessness is often unbearable. 

Breakups are the loss of a loved one, in the same way as a bereavement.  Often it is not only the loss of the person that hurts but also the loss of the future together, your dreams, promises made and trust. Studies show that your brain registers the emotional pain of heartbreak in the same way as physical pain, which is why you might feel like your heartbreak is causing actual physical hurt.

You can spend hours torturing yourself over what you could have done differently and whether you should have fought harder for the relationship.  This is where the word ‘pain’ really starts to show itself.  Heart pain is a very real part of heartbreak.  This is largely due to the extreme stress and distress your body is under. Hypnotherapy can help you recover and heal from negative experiences that have caused damage. This healing happens over several stages.

When we feel the pain of heartbreak (physical or emotional), a series of negative thoughts begin repeating again in our minds.  Recognising what we are saying to ourselves is one of the first steps to healing from heartbreak. Through hypnosis, you can recognise what you say to yourself and change your thoughts into ones that will help heal your heartbreak. 

The hypnotherapy helps to undo the film running in your mind of the person you have lost so life can become meaningful and purposeful again. Hypnotherapy will break this habit helping you to bring yourself back into the now with optimism for the future.

Hypnotherapy releases the issues on a subconscious level and then retrains your mind into positive self-talk helping you move on from the situation.

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